Meeting Rooms at Bosler

The Bosler Library's community meeting rooms are available for public use. These rooms are available for meetings of an education, cultural, recreational, or civic nature. Library-sponsored programs and meetings take precedence in scheduling the use of the meeting rooms. The Library, which is a limited public forum, provides this space as a public service, but does not endorse the view or opinions of the speakers or groups utilizing the facility. Located on the first and second floor of the Library, features include:

  • Restrooms located nearby
  • Flexible room lighting
  • Flexible seating and table arrangements
  • Projection screen and projector
  • Rooms A and B feature access to a shared kitchen, with in-room hospitality counter

If you are interested in using a meeting room please follow this process:

  1. Begin by reviewing the Meeting Room Terms of Use (PDF, 8 pages).
  2. After reviewing the Terms of Use, you may submit a Meeting Room Application online.
  3. Once your application has been reviewed by our Community Relations Department you will be contacted to let you know if it has been approved. This will take about a week.
  4. If your application is approved, you may use the online form to make a Meeting Room ReservationWhen requesting a meeting room reservation, please include your furniture, equipment and technology needs so that we can arrange these in advance. Same day requests for furniture, equipment, and technology cannot always be accommodated.
  5. You will be notified by Community Relations when your reservation has been confirmed.

Any questions concerning the library's public meeting rooms should be directed to Community Relations at 717-243-4642, ext. 3224, or by email to


Page Updated

February 06, 2024