Support the Amelia Givin Library

Do you "Love your Library?"
Has your family enjoyed books, movies, computer access, or special events at the library? Support for the Amelia Givin Library helps the library to continue to provide quality materials and services to the community for generations to come.

Consider donating now!

Click the "Donate" button below to make a donation using Paypal or a credit card.


Donations using cash or check may be dropped off at the library or mailed to the address below. A donation form is available at the library, or you click here to print one.
Stop by the library with your donation, or you may mail a check made payable to Amelia Givin Library to:
        Mailing Address:
        Amelia Givin Library
       114 N. Baltimore Ave.
       Mt. Holly Springs, PA  17065

The Amelia Givin Library is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.

Questions? Please feel free to contact Amelia Givin Library Director Cynthia Thompson by calling 717-486-3688. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and support.

Amelia Givin LibraryThe Rare Gift That Started It All
The Amelia Givin Library began with a donation from just one person – Ms. Amelia Steele Givin. .In 1889, Amelia Steele Givin built the first free lending library in Cumberland County to benefit the community’s paper mill workers and their families. Today, the library is known for its ornate woodwork, unique architecture and friendly staff. It continues to be a valuable resource for residents of Mt. Holly Springs, Boiling Springs, Gardners, Carlisle, and neighboring areas. 


Endowment Fund
A gift to the library’s endowment fund helps ensure the library's future vitality for generations to come. What is an endowment fund? Simply put, an endowment fund is money set aside and invested to support a non-profit organization like the library in perpetuity (forever). Investment income from the endowment fund would enable the Amelia Givin Library to remain open, serving the community for many years to come. It allows the library board and staff to continue as caretakers of the stunning, historic building – a true treasure – and continue to offer educational, cultural and computer resources to the entire area.

Annual Online Auction
Every October, the Amelia Givin Library holds its largest fundraiser of the year - an online auction. Is there something you could donate to be auctioned off? Donations have included gift baskets, gift certificates, gift cards, hand-crafted items, and artwork. Some patrons donate their labor or skill - like painting a room, sewing alterations, yard clean-up, free knitting lessons, or a home-made meal or pie. 

Memorial gifts, stock transfers, IRA distributions, or bequests
Please contact Library Director Cynthia Thompson at (717) 486-3688.

Book Donations
The library gratefully accepts donations of good-condition used books, DVDs, music CDS, books on CD, and video games (no encyclopedias, textbooks or magazines). We use these items to sell at our book sales held three to four times per year. You may drop off items at the front desk or phone us from the parking lot for assistance during regular library hours. (Please do NOT put book donations in the book drop, or place them outside the building.)

Volunteer with the Friends of Amelia Givin Library
Click here to learn more about the Friends. 
The Friends of Amelia Givin Library is a separate non-profit group that supports the library with events, fundraising and advocacy. No annual dues or registration is required. New faces are always welcome.

No matter how you are able to assist the library, we appreciate your support!


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