Gale Academic OneFile Select

This resource covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. This resource for academic research integrates the full text of publications from across the disciplines and now includes vocational/technical titles used by community college students, filling a specific need for curriculum-oriented collections.

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GALE Academic OneFile Select

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SIRS Discoverer

This database provides coverage in areas including history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology. All newspaper, magazine, and reference book content is 100% full text, editorially-selected and indexed from over 2,200 reliable, high-quality global sources, including 400 full-text nonfiction books and around 300 full-text book chapters from publishers such as Britannica, World Book, Rosen Publishing Group, Enslow, and ReferencePoint Press.


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SIRS Discover - Where Research Starts

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U.S. News & World Report Magazine Archive: 1926-1984

This magazine features a broad variety of topics in current events, politics and business, and is well known for its ranked lists of businesses and institutions. With 4,900 issues included, the Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and business, as well as those interested in the history of journalism, advertising and popular culture.

Research areas include:

  • 20th-century history
  • Business/Economics
  • Cultural studies
  • Education
  • Marketing/Advertising
  • Political science
  • Science/Technology
  • Sociology

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries. (This link may not work inside the library.)


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U.S. News & World Report Magazine Archive: 1926-1984

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National Geographic Magazine Archive 1888-2020

This iconic monthly publication provides unparalleled, in-depth coverage of society, cultures, nature, science, technology, travel, geography, and more -- making it an essential resource for educators and students as well as general readers. This resource include complete, unlimited access to the magazine main content through 2020 -- every article from every issue, each fully searchable through an intuitive interface.

Included are the vivid photographs and historic articles as well as engaging videos and detailed maps. Explore the most recognized name in exploration and discovery, with comprehensive, relevant articles, legendary photographs, maps, and map supplements, the iconic magazine documents life on our planet and beyond, interpreting the world through the lens of personal story and experience.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

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National Geographic Magazine Archive 1888-2020

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Science Reference eBook Collection

Explore science from over 230 full-text eBooks! This collection of reference titles covers a wide variety of topics such as animals, biology, climate change, computing, engineering, experiments, life science, nature, oceans, physical science, and weather.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

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Science Reference eBook Collection

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Science Reference Source

Full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, & other sources. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology & wildlife.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

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Science Reference Source