Academic Search Main Edition

Academic Search Main Edition

Find peer-reviewed, full-text articles from journals in the areas of the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, literature, and more. Undergraduate researchers can expand and refine search results through the Topic Finder, and citation tools are integrated directly into the user’s workflow.

(Para buscar en Espanol, seleccione "Lenguas" en la parte superior.)

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Access Pennsylvania


Books, movies and more in a PA library (also known as the Access PA Database) is a combined catalog reflecting the holdings of over 2,600 Pennsylvania libraries and their combined collections of over 43 million books, audio materials, reference materials, movies, and much more. 

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.



BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with Weston Woods related nonfiction eBooks. For Pre-K to 3rd grade. (Look in the Find A Book Section.) Requires Adobe Flash ™

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

GALE Contemporary Authors

Contemporary Authors

Guide to current writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures and television. Author biographies are included. Produced by Thompson Gale.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Cricket Media Collection

Cricket Media Collection

This collection includes hundreds of e-books from renowned family publisher Cricket Media. It can help build strong literacy skills in students from grades pre-K to 8 by offering digital access to award-winning, short-form fiction and nonfiction titles. This unique e-book collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.


DPLA: Digital Public Library of America

Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. Search by place, date, exhibition or a general keyword search.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.


E-Book Collection

Search over 20,000 Fiction and Nonfiction eBooks available in 3 primary eBook collections in POWER Library at once: EBSCO E-Books, GALE E-Books, and ProQuest E-Book Central.

This search will tell you which collection has the eBook. Then you'll search for the title again in that specific eBook collection.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

View books on your computer or portable device. Books are in the epub format.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

(Para buscar en Espanol, seleccione "Lenguas" en la parte superior.)



Elementary provides elementary-aged students with age-appropriate, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics such as animals, arts, geography, health, literature, people, social studies, technology, etc.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

GALE eBooks

GALE eBooks

Explore encyclopedias, specialized reference resources, and e-books on a variety of topics from biography, diversity, environment, equity, government, history, law, math, science and more!

High School

High School

High School provides secondary school students with access to age-appropriate content from magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books, covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Covers librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management & more. LISTA indexes more than 600 periodicals plus books, research reports & proceedings. Oldest continuously produced database covering the field of information science.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Middle School

Middle School

Middle School provides middle school students with language arts, social studies, and science curriculum support through age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, etc.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

NoveList PLus

NoveList Plus

Did you finish a great book and are looking for something similar to read? NoveList Plus can help you find what to read next in both fiction and nonfiction genres. Produced by EBSCO.

OverDrive eBooks

ODB - OverDrive

Capital Area Library District Overdrive eBooks and eAudiobooks

Always available, always free with your Cumberland County Library Card!

NOTE: The Overdrive app is being discontinued in favor of the Libby app as of December 9, 2024.

PowerLibrary - Search the Catalog - Books, Movies & More in a Pennsylvania Library

PA Electronic Library Catalog

Search a single catalog reflecting the holdings of over 1,500 Pennsylvania libraries and their combined collections of over 41 million books, audio materials, reference materials, movies, and much more.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Power Library

POWER Library

POWER Library is a service of Pennsylvania's public libraries, school libraries and the State Library. POWER library allows you to access thousands of full-text periodical articles, newspapers, plus photographs, pictures, charts, maps, reference materials for young people and more.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

ProQuest Ebook Central

ProQuest Ebook Central

This resource includes 112 titles on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cover subjects such as business, education, fine arts, history, political science, social science, juvenile literature, and sports and recreation.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Science Reference eBook Collection

Science Reference eBook Collection

Explore science from over 230 full-text eBooks! This collection of reference titles covers a wide variety of topics such as animals, biology, climate change, computing, engineering, experiments, life science, nature, oceans, physical science, and weather.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

TumbleBooks Library - eBooks for e-kids

TumbleBooks Library - eBooks for e-kids

Animated, talking picture books with fiction, non-fiction & foreign language titles, Read-Alongs (chapter books with sentence highlighting & narration but no animation), TumbleTV which consists of pre-set playlists of a sequence of books & Tumble Puzzles & Games. Library Card account needed in order to login and access TumbleBooks.