Britannica School Elementary

Britannica School Elementary

Britannica School Elementary is a comprehensive source of informational text for younger learners pre-K to grade 5. It includes encyclopedia articles, images, videos, and magazine articles. There is a Britannica Fundamentals section for children Pre-K through grade 2. Tools such as a world atlas, virtual tours, country comparison, etc., allow learners to explore geography and animal kingdom topics. A Britannica Fundamentals provides materials for children Pre-K through second-grade.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Ebony - Magazine Archive - 1945-2014

Ebony Magazine Archive

This magazine covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship and other social topics with an African-American focus. It includes more than 800 issues providing a broad view of African-American culture from its first issue in 1945 through 2014.

This fully searchable full-text archive provides analysis on African-American business, history, politics, entertainment, fashion and culture. Articles and cover pages are fully indexed and advertisements are individually identified, ensuring researchers and readers can quickly and accurately locate the information they seek.

Subjects Covered:

  • African-American culture
  • Business
  • Civil rights
  • Entertainment
  • Ethnic studies
  • Fashion
  • History
  • Politics

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.




POWER Teens provides online resources including full-text research e-resources, collections of photographs and documents, the statewide catalog of materials held in libraries throughout Pennsylvania, and Chat with a Librarian.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Science Reference Source

Science Reference Source

Full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, & other sources. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology & wildlife.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

Small Engine Repair Reference Center


This reference database provides detailed yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. All of the content is organized in a powerful, easy-to-use manner so that users can quickly find the information they need.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.

Teacher Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center

Provides indexing & abstracts for 280 periodicals. Topics include: Assessment, Best Practices, Continuing Ed., Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Elementary Ed., Higher Ed., Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science & Mathematics, & Teacher Ed.

POWER LibraryPOWER Library E-Resource – Sponsored by Commonwealth Libraries.