My Lists

Create lists of books you want to read later, favorite materials, etc.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Search for the title(s) you want to add to your list.
  3. Click the "Add to Cart" for each item you want placed in your list.

    Note: You must add items to the cart before you can add them to a list.
    Cart Example 01

  4. When you are finished adding items to your cart, click the "My Book Cart" link at the top of the screen.
    My cart 3 items
  5. Select the items you want to save to your list. To select all items click on the "All" link. To select individual titles, click the box to the left of the title.
    Select All or None for List
  6. Click the "Save to List" button.
    save to my list
  7. Enter a title (and description, if wanted) for your list, then click the "Create" button.
    save to my list
  8. Click on "My Account" at the top of the screen to view your account, and then "My Lists" to view your lists
  9. Click on the list you wish to review.  From this screen, you can export (email the list with or without citations), print the list, remove duplicate titles, move items to another list, change the name of the list, or request the item(s).
    My list actions

Read Reviews

Discover new titles and authors related to those in your search. Find all the books in a series, read-alike suggestions, similar stories by key elements, reader reviews, and related content by scrolling to “You Might Also Like” at the bottom of the page. If we own the suggested titles, just click on the link to find it in our catalog.

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Read Alikes

Story elements

Ratings and Reviews

Related Content

Add A Tag

You can add a tag to any item in the Library's catalog. For example, if you are working on a project, you may decide to tag all of the relevant materials to that topic. Or, if you are interested in a hobby, you may want to tag items relevant to the hobby. This social function of the catalog helps you, and others, find materials. In essence, you are helping the Library by adding more keywords to our catalog of items. You can then search the catalog by these terms and refine your materials by tags. 

To tag an item, click on the plus symbol icon under “Additional actions” on the item description page. Choose the tag icon under “more”, then type in the tag and click Submit.


Tag example

Community Tags and My Tags

To view all items Tagged with a specific term, click on "Community Tag" after searching for that term

NOTE: To remove the Tag, you must be logged in to your Encore account. From the item description page, find “Community Tags” and your tags will be listed under “My Tags”. Click on the [x] next to your tag to remove it.



Request An Item

Once you have found an item you want to borrow, you can have it reserved by requesting it in one of three spots.

  1. Click Request it on the search results page:
    Request Item option 1

  2. The item's descriptive page. This will request the next available item be held for you.Request Item option 2
  3. Add the item to your cart and request the items that are in your cart. Your cart is a temporary holding place for items you want to review. To add an item to your cart, click on the shopping basket icon. From your cart, you can request some or all of the items.
    Refine Search example 03

Video Instructions - courtesy Coy Library of Shippensburg

Advanced Search

Anywhere you see the general search box, you will see a link to the advanced search. Advanced search gives you several options to make your search more specific. You can choose to include or include materials based on their author, title, subject, keyword, format, library location, language or year. You can add multiple "and," "or" or "not" lines by clicking the buttons for those words.

For example, if you wanted to see works by an author with the last name "Farmer," you may want to use an advanced search to weed out results for the keyword related to the occupation.

Search box with Advanced Search link example image

Advanced Search panel example

Refine Your Search

You can reduce the number of items that are returned in your search results based on several different fields. Click one or more options on the left side of the search results page to refine your results. Choices include options for availability, found in, format, collection, location, and more.

Refine Search example

Your current refinements will be listed at the top of the sidebar. If you decide you want to undo one of your choices, click the (x) to the right of the selected option.

Refine Search example - cats with DVD selected as a refinement

Search the Catalog

You can start a catalog search from the Library website, or by entering a search term in the box on any page within the Catalog and My Account service.

My Account snapshotEncore Search

Search results page example for Rowling Wizards

Searches can include author, title, subject, or keyword – or any combination of these elements. For example, you could type “Rowling wizards” and receive results for the Harry Potter series. More precise search terms will lead to more refined results. For example, “Rowling Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets” will only pull results for that particular title. A general search for a keyword such as “cats” may return many thousands of results.