Zoom Discussion: Trust in Elections

Living Room ConversationsLet's keep the discussion going! Join us for another Living Room Conversations event, "Trust in Elections," on Friday, September 13 at 1:00 pm on Zoom.

The previous Living Room Conversations have been a great way for members of our community to connect, share ideas, and leave with a good feeling about our neighbors and the future. We are again offering Living Room Conversations on Zoom so everyone can have the convenience of being home in the evening while still talking with neighbors.

This month, we will discuss "Trust in Elections" designed to encourage reflection on key disconnects we are currently experiencing at a national level. Increasingly, concerns about access to voting and election integrity have led to a questioning of election results. What happens when we don’t trust our elections? How can we move forward to build trust? We will discuss questions like:

  • What happens when we don’t trust our elections?
  • How can we move forward to build trust?

Living Room Conversation’s mission is to heal society by connecting people across divides – politics, age, gender, race, nationality and more – through guided conversations proven to build understanding and transform communities. Each event is a 1.5 hour conversation based on a conversation guide built around LRC’s Conversation Agreements: these agreements facilitate dialogue, not debate, and prompt participants to share personal experiences related to the topics, thereby building empathy and understanding. Our Certified Conversation Host for this program will be Nancy Adams.

Nancy Adams has been a Mechanicsburg resident for 22 years and is proud to call Simpson Public Library her home library. A Penn State graduate, she teaches at a local university where she facilitates small groups of students as they engage in dialogue about current topics, some controversial and some not so controversial. Nancy is a librarian and a lifelong educator, the mom of two MASH grads, and a Certified Host in the Living Room Conversations method of dialogue.

Registration: Please register online for this program.

Questions? Please email Joelene or call the library at 717-766-0171.


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