Art in the Stacks: Featured Artist

Art in the Stacks logo with images of artwork by featured artist Beth RiceSeptember 1 - 30, 2024
Featuring Beth Rice in the Charley Krone Gallery

September’s Charley Krone Gallery artist is Beth Rice, who will be displaying the exhibit titled Hand Woven and Stitched Exploration. The exhibit will be nature focused with circular “coral reef” weavings and abstract “landscape from above” embroidery pieces, featuring Beth’s own hand spun yarn. Beth Rice is a fiber artist based in Camp Hill, PA. Her main focus is abstract embroidery and modern weaving. She weaves primarily tapestry but also uses a rigid heddle loom.

Art in the Stacks is a monthly gallery series at the New Cumberland Public Library in partnership with the New Cumberland Collective. Each month will feature a new local artist exhibit in the library's gallery spaces.